Create an ECMP Zone

ECMP zones are created per virtual router. Thus, only the interfaces of the virtual router where the ECMP is being created can be associated with the ECMP.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Device Management, and edit the threat defense device.

Step 2

Click Routing.

Step 3

From the virtual router drop-down, select the virtual router in which you want to create the ECMP zone.

You can create ECMP zones in global virtual router and user-defined virtual routers. For information on creating virtual routers, see Create a Virtual Router.

Step 4

Click ECMP.

Step 5

Click Add.

Step 6

In the Add ECMP box, enter a name for the ECMP zone.


The ECMP name must be unique for the routed device.

Step 7

To associate interfaces, select the interface under the Available Interfaces box, and then click Add.

Remember the following:

  • Only interfaces belonging to the virtual router are available for assigning.

  • Only interfaces with a logical name are listed under the Available Interfaces box. You can edit the interface and provide a logical name in Interfaces. Remember to save the changes for the settings to take effect.

Step 8

Click OK.

The ECMP page now displays the newly created ECMP.

Step 9

Click Save and Deploy the configuration.

You can associate the ECMP zone interfaces with equal cost static route by defining them with same destination and metric value, but with different gateway.

What to do next