Creating a Basic Access Control Policy

When you create a new access control policy, it contains default actions and settings. After creating the policy, you are immediately placed in an edit session so that you can adjust the policy to suit your requirements.


Step 1

Choose Policies > Access Control.

Step 2

Click New Policy.

Step 3

Enter a unique Name and, optionally, a Description.

Step 4

Optionally, choose a base policy from the Select Base Policy drop-down list.

If an access control policy is enforced on your domain, this step is not optional. You must choose the enforced policy or one of its descendants as the base policy.

If you select a base policy, the base policy defines the default action and you cannot select a new one in this dialog box. Logging for connections handled by the default action depends on the base policy.

Step 5

When you do not select a base policy, specify the initial Default Action:

  • Block all traffic creates a policy with the Access Control: Block All Traffic default action.

  • Intrusion Prevention creates a policy with the Intrusion Prevention: Balanced Security and Connectivity default action, associated with the default intrusion variable set.

  • Network Discovery creates a policy with the Network Discovery Only default action.

When you select a default action, logging of connections handled by the default action is initially disabled. You can enable it later when you edit the policy.


If you want to trust all traffic by default, or if you chose a base policy and do not want to inherit the default action, you can change the default action later.

Step 6

Optionally, choose the Available Devices where you want to deploy the policy, then click Add to Policy (or drag and drop) to add the selected devices. To narrow the devices that appear, type a search string in the Search field.

If you want to deploy this policy immediately, you must perform this step.

Step 7

Click Save.

The new policy opens for edit. You can add rules to it and make other changes as needed. See Editing an Access Control Policy .