Managing Access Control Policy Inheritance

Inheritance relates to using another policy as a base policy for an access control policy. This allows you to use one policy to define some baseline characteristics that can be applied to multiple policies. To understand how inheritance works, see Access Control Policy Inheritance.


Step 1

Edit the access control policy whose inheritance settings you want to change; see Editing an Access Control Policy.

Step 2

Manage policy inheritance:

  • Change Base Policy — To change the base access control policy for this policy, select Inheritance Settings from the More drop-down arrow at the end of the packet flow line and proceed as described in Choosing a Base Access Control Policy.
  • Lock Settings in Descendants — To enforce this policy's settings in its descendant policies, select Inheritance Settings from the More drop-down arrow at the end of the packet flow line and proceed as described in Locking Settings in Descendant Access Control Policies .
  • Required in Domains — To enforce this policy in a subdomain, click the Targeted: x devices link and proceed as described in Requiring an Access Control Policy in a Domain.
  • Inherit Settings from Base Policy — To inherit settings from a base access control policy, click Security Intelligence, or select HTTP Responses or Advanced Settings from the drop-down arrow at the end of the packet flow line, and proceed as directed in Inheriting Access Control Policy Settings from the Base Policy.