Enabling Access to Dynamic Analysis Results in the Public Cloud

Secure Malware Analytics offers more detailed reporting on analyzed files than is available in the management center. If your organization has a Secure Malware Analytics Cloud account, you can access the Secure Malware Analytics portal directly to view additional details about files sent for analysis from your managed devices. However, for privacy reasons, file analysis details are available only to the organization that submitted the files. Therefore, before you can view this information, you must associate your management center with the files submitted by its managed devices.

Before you begin

You must have a Secure Malware Analytics Cloud account, and have your account credentials ready.


Step 1

Select Integration > AMP > Dynamic Analysis Connections.

Step 2

Click Associate (associate icon) in the table row corresponding to the Secure Malware Analytics Cloud.

A Secure Malware Analytics portal window opens.

Step 3

Sign in to the Secure Malware Analytics Cloud.

Step 4

Click Submit Query.


Do not change the default value in the Devices field.

If you have difficulties with this process, contact your Secure Malware Analytics representative at Cisco TAC.

It may take up to 24 hours for this change to take effect.

What to do next

After the association is activated, see Viewing Dynamic Analysis Results in the Cisco Cloud in the Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center Administration Guide.