Manage Task Messages

Everyone can see their own tasks. To see the tasks of other users, you must be an Admin user or have the View Other Users' Tasks permission.


Step 1

Click System Status to display the Message Center.

Step 2

Click Tasks.

Step 3

You have the following choices:

  • If more task status messages are available for display, click on Fetch more messages at the bottom of the message list to retrieve them.
  • To remove a single message for a completed task (status stopped, success, or failure), click on Remove (remove icon) next to the message.
  • To remove all messages for all tasks that have completed (status stopped, success, or failure), filter the messages on total and click on Remove all completed tasks.
  • To remove all messages for all tasks that have completed successfully, filter the messages on success, and click on Remove all successful tasks.
  • To remove all messages for all tasks that have failed, filter the messages on failure, and click on Remove all failed tasks.