View Deployment Messages

You must be an Admin user or have the Deploy Configuration to Devices permission to view these messages.


Step 1

Click Notifications to display the Message Center.

Step 2

Click Deployments.

Step 3

You have the following choices:

  • Click total to view all current deployment statuses.
  • Click a status value to view only messages with that deployment status.
  • Hover your cursor over the time elapsed indicator for a message (for example, 1m 5s) to view the elapsed time, and start and stop times for the deployment.

Step 4

Click show deployment history to view more detailed information about the deployment jobs.

The Deployment History table lists the deployment jobs in the left column in reverse chronological order.

  1. Select a deployment job.

    The table in the right column shows each device that was included in the job, and the deployment status per device.

  2. To view responses from the device, and commands sent to the device during deployment, click download in the Transcript column for the device.

    The transcript includes the following sections:

    • Snort Apply—If there are any failures or responses from Snort-related policies, messages appear in this section. Normally, the section is empty.

    • CLI Apply—This section covers features that are configured using commands sent to the Lina process.

    • Infrastructure Messages—This section shows the status of different deployment modules.

    In the CLI Apply section, the deployment transcript includes commands sent to the device, and any responses returned from the device. These response can be informative messages or error messages. For failed deployments, look for messages that indicate errors with the commands. Examining these errors can be particularly helpful if you are using FlexConfig policies to configure customized features. These errors can help you correct the script in the FlexConfig object that is trying to configure the commands.


    There is no distinction made in the transcript between commands sent for managed features and those generated from FlexConfig policies.

    For example, the following sequence shows that the management center sent commands to configure GigabitEthernet0/0 with the logical name outside. The device responded that it automatically set the security level to 0. The threat defense does not use the security level for anything.

    ========= CLI APPLY =========
    FMC >> interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    FMC >>  nameif outside
    FTDv >> [info] : INFO: Security level for "outside" set to 0 by default.