Onboard the Secure Firewall Cloud Native to CDO


Step 1

In the navigation pane, click Inventory and click to Onboard a Secure Firewall Cloud Native cluster.

Step 2

Click Secure Firewall Cloud Native.

Step 3

In the Device Name step, select the SDC from which the cluster is reachable and enter a name in the Device Name field. This could be the hostname of the cluster or any other name you choose.

Step 4

Click Next.

Step 5

In the Token step, specify the following details:

  • Cluster Endpoint: Provide the clusterendpoint information copied from AWS.


    Ensure that the endpoint URL does not have '/' at the end of the URL.

  • Namespace: Provide the namespace information copied from AWS.

  • Token: Provide the CDO token information copied from AWS.


You can onboard SFCNs belonging to the same Kubernetes cluster, where the namespaces are different but the location is the same.

Step 6

Click Next.

Step 7

In the Done step, you can add a device label and click Go to Inventory page. For more information, see Labels and Filtering.