Configure an RA VPN Connection Profile

An RA VPN connection profile defines the characteristics that allow external users to create a VPN connection to the system using the AnyConnect client. Each profile defines the AAA servers and certificates used for authenticating users, the address pool for assigning users IP addresses, and the group policies that define various user-oriented attributes.

You can create multiple profiles within the RA VPN configuration if you need to provide variable services to different user groups, or if you have various authentication sources. For example, if your organization merges with a different organization that uses different authentication servers, you can create a profile for the new group that uses those authentication servers.

An RA VPN connection profile allows your users to connect to your inside networks when they are on external networks, such as their home network. Create separate profiles to accommodate different authentication methods.

Before you begin

Before configuring the remote access (RA) VPN connection: