About Realms and Realm Sequences

Realms are connections between the Secure Firewall Management Center and the user accounts on the servers you monitor. They specify the connection settings and authentication filter settings for the server. Realms can:

  • Specify the users and user groups whose activity you want to monitor.

  • Query the user repository for user metadata on authoritative users, as well as some non-authoritative users: POP3 and IMAP users detected by traffic-based detection and users detected by traffic-based detection, a TS Agent, or ISE/ISE-PIC.

You can add multiple domain controllers as directories in a realm, but they must share the same basic realm information. The directories in a realm must be exclusively LDAP or exclusively Active Directory (AD) servers. After you enable a realm, your saved changes take effect next time the management center queries the server.

To perform user awareness, you must configure a realm for any of the supported server types. The system uses these connections to query the servers for data associated with POP3 and IMAP users, and to collect data about LDAP users discovered through traffic-based detection.

The system uses the email addresses in POP3 and IMAP logins to correlate with LDAP users on an Active Directory or OpenLDAP. For example, if a managed device detects a POP3 login for a user with the same email address as an LDAP user, the system associates the LDAP user’s metadata with that user.

To perform user control, you can configure any of the following:

  • A realm or realm sequence for an Active Directory server, or for ISE/ISE-PIC


    Configuring a Microsoft AD realm or realm sequence is optional if you plan to configure SGT ISE attribute conditions but not user, group, realm, Endpoint Location, or Endpoint Profile conditions; or if you use your identity policy only to filter network traffic.

  • A realm or realm sequence for a Microsoft AD server for the TS Agent.

  • For captive portal, an LDAP realm.

    A realm sequence is not supported for LDAP.

You can nest Microsoft AD groups and the management center downloads those groups and the users they contain. You can optionally restrict which groups and users get downloaded as discussed in Create an LDAP Realm or an Active Directory Realm and Realm Directory.

About User Synchronization

You can configure a realm or realm sequence to establish a connection between the management center and an LDAP or Microsoft AD server to retrieve user and user group metadata for certain detected users:

  • LDAP and Microsoft AD users authenticated by captive portal or reported by ISE/ISE-PIC. This metadata can be used for user awareness and user control.

  • POP3 and IMAP user logins detected by traffic-based detection, if those users have the same email address as an LDAP or AD user. This metadata can be used for user awareness.

The management center obtains the following information and metadata about each user:

  • LDAP user name

  • First and last names

  • Email address

  • Department

  • Telephone number


To reduce latency between the management center and your Active Directory domain controller, we strongly recommend you configure a realm directory (that is, domain controller) that is as close as possible geographically to the management center.

For example, if your management center is in North America, configure a realm directory that is also in North America. Failure to do so can cause problems such as timeout downloading users and groups.

About User Activity Data

User activity data is stored in the user activity database and user identity data is stored in the users database. If your access control parameters are too broad, the management center obtains information on as many users as it can and reports the number of users it failed to retrieve in the Tasks tab page of the Message Center.

To optionally limit the subnets on which a managed device watches for user awareness data, you can use the configure identity-subnet-filter command as discussed in the Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense Command Reference.


If you remove a user that has been detected by the system from your user repository, the management center does not remove that user from its users database; you must manually delete it. However, your LDAP changes are reflected in access control rules when the management center next updates its list of authoritative users.