Automatic MAC Addresses for Container Instance Interfaces

The chassis automatically generates MAC addresses for instance interfaces, and guarantees that a shared interface in each instance uses a unique MAC address.

If you manually assign a MAC address to a shared interface within the instance, then the manually-assigned MAC address is used. If you later remove the manual MAC address, the autogenerated address is used. In the rare circumstance that the generated MAC address conflicts with another private MAC address in your network, we suggest that you manually set the MAC address for the interface within the instance.

Because autogenerated addresses start with A2, you should not start manual MAC addresses with A2 due to the risk of overlapping addresses.

The chassis generates the MAC address using the following format:


Where xx.yy is a user-defined prefix or a system-defined prefix, and zz.zzzz is an internal counter generated by the chassis. The system-defined prefix matches the lower 2 bytes of the first MAC address in the burned-in MAC address pool that is programmed into the IDPROM. Use connect fxos , then show module to view the MAC address pool. For example, if the range of MAC addresses shown for module 1 is b0aa.772f.f0b0 to b0aa.772f.f0bf, then the system prefix will be f0b0.

The user-defined prefix is an integer that is converted into hexadecimal. For an example of how the user-defined prefix is used, if you set a prefix of 77, then the chassis converts 77 into the hexadecimal value 004D (yyxx). When used in the MAC address, the prefix is reversed (xxyy) to match the chassis native form:


For a prefix of 1009 (03F1), the MAC address is:
