Multiple Value Variables that Resolve to a Table of Values

Some system variables return a table of values. These variables include MAP in their name, for example, $SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST. The routed interface map returns data that looks like the following (line returns added for clarity):

[{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/0, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[],
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=,
intf_ip_addr_v4=, intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/1, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[],
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=,
intf_ip_addr_v4=, intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=GigabitEthernet0/2, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, intf_ip_addr_v4=, 
intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, intf_logical_name=}, 

{intf_hardwarare_id=Management0/0, intf_ipv6_eui64_addresses=[], 
intf_ipv6_prefix_addresses=[], intf_subnet_mask_v4=, intf_ip_addr_v4=, 
intf_ipv6_link_local_address=, intf_logical_name=management}]

In the above example, information is returned for 4 interfaces. Each interface includes a table of named values. For example, intf_hardwarare_id is the name of the interface hardware name property, and returns strings such as GigabitEthernet0/0.

This type of variable is typically of indeterminate length, so you need to use looping to process the values. But you also need to add the property name to the variable name to indicate which value to retrieve.

For example, IS-IS configuration requires that you add the ASA isis command to an interface that has a logical name in interface configuration mode. However, you enter that mode using the interface’s hardware name. Thus, you need to identify which interfaces have logical names, then configure just those interfaces using their hardware names. The ISIS_Interface_Configuration predefined FlexConfig does this using an if/then structure nested in a loop. In the following code, you can see that the #foreach scripting command loads each interface map into the $intf variable, then the #if statement keys off the intf_logical_name value in the map ($intf.intf_logical_name), and if the value is in the list defined in the isisIntfList predefined text variable, enters the interface command using the intf_hardwarare_id value ($intf.intf_hardwarare_id). You would need to edit the isisIntfList variable to add the names of the interfaces on which to configure IS-IS.

#foreach ($intf in $SYS_FTD_ROUTED_INTF_MAP_LIST)
 #if ($isIsIntfList.contains($intf.intf_logical_name))
  interface $intf.intf_hardwarare_id 
   #if ($isIsAddressFamily.contains("ipv6"))
   ipv6 router isis