Port Exclusions

Just as you can exclude hosts from monitoring, you can exclude specific ports from monitoring. For example:

  • Load balancers can report multiple applications on the same port in a short period of time. You can configure your network discovery rules so that they exclude that port from monitoring, such as excluding port 80 on a load balancer that handles a web farm.

  • Your organization may use a custom client that uses a specific range of ports. If the traffic from this client generates excessive and misleading events, you can exclude those ports from monitoring. Similarly, you may decide that you do not want to monitor DNS traffic. In that case, you could configure your rules so that your discovery policy does not monitor port 53.

When adding ports to exclude, you can decide whether to use a reusable port object from the Available Ports list, add ports directly to the source or destination exclusion lists, or create a new reusable port and then move it into the exclusion lists.


You cannot exclude ports in rules handling NetFlow data discovery.