Configure Legacy Management Center PAK-Based Licenses

The management center supports either a Smart License or a legacy PAK (Product Activation Key) license for its platform license. This procedure describes how to apply a PAK-based license.

After re-registration of your Smart Account, you must manually add the classic licenses for all classic devices.

Before you begin

  • Make sure you have the product activation key (PAK) from the Software Claim Certificate that Cisco provided when you purchased the license. If you have a legacy, pre-Cisco license, contact Support.


Step 1

The license key uniquely identifies the management center in the Smart Software Manager. It is composed of a product code (for example, 66) and the MAC address of the management port (eth0) of the management center; for example, 66:00:00:77:FF:CC:88.

  1. Choose System (system gear icon) > Licenses > Classic Licenses.

  2. Click Add New License.

  3. Note the value in the License Key field at the top of the Add Feature License dialog.

Step 2

Choose System (system gear icon) > Licenses > Classic Licenses.

Step 3

Click Add New License.

Step 4

Continue as appropriate:

  • If you have already obtained the license text, skip to Step 8.
  • If you still need to obtain the license text, go to the next step.

Step 5

Click Get License to open the License Registration Portal.


If you cannot access the Internet using your current computer, switch to a computer that can, and browse to

Step 6

Generate a license from the PAK in the License Registration Portal:

This step requires the PAK you received during the purchase process, as well as the license key for the management center.

For more information on using this portal, see:

You will need your account credentials in order to access these links.

Step 7

Copy the license text from either the License Registration Portal display, or the email the License Registration Portal sends you.


The licensing text block in the portal or email message may include more than one license. Each license is bounded by a BEGIN LICENSE line and an END LICENSE line. Make sure that you copy and paste only one license at a time.

Step 8

Return to the Add Feature License page in the management center virtual’s web interface.

Step 9

Paste the license text into the License field.

Step 10

Click Verify License.

If the license is invalid, make sure that you correctly copied the license text.

Step 11

Click Submit License.