Configure AAA Settings for Remote Access VPN

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the required machine and user certificates are deployed on the endpoints. For information about Secure Firewall Threat Defense certificates, see Managing Threat Defense CertificatesManaging VPN Certificate.

  • Configure Secure Client profiles with required certificates. For more information, see Cisco Secure Client (including AnyConnect) Administrator Guide.


Step 1

Choose Devices > VPN > Remote Access.

Step 2

Select an existing remote access VPN policy in the list and click the corresponding Edit icon.

Step 3

Select a connection profile to update AAA settings, click Edit > AAA.

Step 4

Select the following for Authentication:

  • Authentication Method—Determines how a user is identified before being allowed access to the network and network services. It controls access by requiring valid user credentials, which are typically a username and password. It may also include the certificate from the client. Supported authentication methods are AAA only, Client Certificate only, and AAA + Client Certificate.

    When you select the Authentication Method as:

    • AAA Only—If you select the Authentication Server as RADIUS, by default, the Authorization Server has the same value. Select the Accounting Server from the drop-down list. Whenever you select AD and LDAP from the Authentication Server drop-down list, you must select the Authorization Server and Accounting Server manually.

    • SAML—Each user is authenticated using the SAML single sign-on server. For more information, see Single Sign-On Authentication with SAML 2.0.

      Override Identity Provider Certificate—Select to override the primary identity provider certificate of the SAML provider with an IdP certificate specific to a connection profile or SAML application. Select the IdP certificate from the drop-down.

      Microsoft Azure can support multiple applications for the same entity ID. Each application (mapped to a different connection profile) requires a unique certificate. If you want to retain an existing entity ID for the single-sign-on object in current connection profile and use a different IdP certificate, you can select this option.

      This enables support for multiple SAML applications per Microsoft Azure SAML identity provider.

      The primary identity certificate is configured in the single sign-on server object.

      For information about configuring a single sign-on server object, see Add a Single Sign-on Server.

      Choose your SAML Login Experience to configure a browser for SAML web authentication:

      • VPN client embedded browser—Choose this option to use the browser embedded with the VPN client for web authentication. The authentication applies to the VPN connection only.

      • Default OS Browser—Choose this option to configure the operating system that default or native browser that supports WebAuthN (FIDO2 standard for web authentication). This option enables single sign-on(SSO) support for web authentication methods such as biometric authentication.

        The default browser requires an external browser package for web authentication. The package Default-External-Browser-Package is configured by default. You can change the default external browser package by editing a remote access VPN policy and selecting the file under Advanced > Secure Client Images > Package File.

        You can also add a new package file by selecting. Objects > Object Management > VPN > Secure Client File > Add Secure Client File.

    • Client Certificate Only—Each user is authenticated with a client certificate. The client certificate must be configured on VPN client endpoints. By default, the user name is derived from the client certificate fields CN and OU. If the user name is specified in other fields in the client certificate, use 'Primary' and 'Secondary' field to map appropriate fields.

      Select Enable multiple certificate authentication to authenticate the VPN client using the machine and user certificates.

      If have enabled multiple certificate authentication, you can select one of the following certificates to map the username and authenticate the VPN user:

      • First Certificate—Select this option to map the username from the machine certificate sent from the VPN client.

      • Second Certificate—Select this option to map the username from the user certificate sent from the client.


      If you do not enable multiple certificate authentication, the user certificate (second certificate) is used for authentication by default.

      If you select the Map specific field option, which includes the username from the client certificate, the Primary and Secondary fields display default values: CN (Common Name) and OU (Organisational Unit) respectively. If you select the Use entire DN as username option, the system automatically retrieves the user identity. A distinguished name (DN) is a unique identification, made up of individual fields used as the identifier when matching users to a connection profile. DN rules are used for enhanced certificate authentication.

      The primary and Secondary fields pertaining to the Map specific field option contain these common values:

      • C (Country)

      • CN (Common Name)

      • DNQ (DN Qualifier)

      • EA (Email Address)

      • GENQ (Generational Qualifier)

      • GN (Given Name)

      • I (Initial)

      • L (Locality)

      • N (Name)

      • O (Organisation)

      • OU (Organisational Unit)

      • SER (Serial Number)

      • SN (Surname)

      • SP (State Province)

      • T (Title)

      • UID (User ID)

      • UPN (User Principal Name)

    • Client Certificate & AAA— Each user is authenticated with both a client certificate and AAA server. Select the required certificate and AAA configurations for authentication.

      Whichever authentication method you choose, select or deselect Allow connection only if user exists in authorization database.

    • Client Certificate & SAML— Each user is authenticated with both a client certificate and SAML server. Select the required certificate and SAML configurations for authentication.

      • Allow connection only if username from certificate and SAML are the same—Select to allow VPN connection only if the username from the certificate matches the SAML single sign-on username.

      • Use username from client certificate for Authorization—When you choose the option to pick username from client certificate for authorization, you must configure the fields to pick from the client certificate.

        You can choose to map a specific filed as the username or use the entire distinguished name (DN) for authorization:

        • Map specific field— Select to include the username from the client certificate; the Primary and Secondary fields display default values: CN (Common Name) and OU (Organisational Unit) respectively.

        • Use entire DN as username— The system automatically retrieves the user identity for authorization.

      You can also create a Dynamic Access Policy (DAP) to match user-specific SAML assertion attributes or username to DAP certificate attributes. See Configure AAA Criteria Settings for DAP.

  • Authentication Server—Authentication is the way a user is identified before being allowed access to the network and network services. Authentication requires valid user credentials, a certificate, or both. You can use authentication alone, or with authorization and accounting.

    Select an authentication server from the list if you have added a server already or else create an authentication server:

Fallback to LOCAL Authentication— The user is authenticated using the local database and the VPN tunnel can be established even if the AAA server group is unavailable, provided that the local database is configured.

  • Use secondary authentication — Secondary authentication is configured in addition to primary authentication to provide additional security for VPN sessions. Secondary authentication is applicable only to AAA only and Client Certificate & AAA authentication methods.

    Secondary authentication is an optional feature that requires a VPN user to enter two sets of username and password on the Secure Client login screen. You can also configure to pre-fill the secondary username from the authentication server or client certificate. Remote access VPN authentication is granted only if both primary and secondary authentications are successful. VPN authentication is denied if any one of the authentication servers is not reachable or one authentication fails.

    You must configure a secondary authentication server group (AAA server) for the second username and password before configuring secondary authentication. For example, you can set the primary authentication server to an LDAP or Active Directory realm and the secondary authentication to a RADIUS server.


    By default, secondary authentication is not required.

    Authentication Server— Secondary authentication server to provide secondary username and password for VPN users.

    • Fallback to LOCAL Authentication— This user is authenticated using the local database and the VPN tunnel can be established even if the AAA server group is unavailable, provided that the local database is configured.

    Select the following under Username for secondary authentication:

    • Prompt: Prompts the users to enter the username and password while logging on to VPN gateway.

    • Use primary authentication username: The username is taken from the primary authentication server for both primary and secondary authentication; you must enter two passwords.

    • Map username from client certificate: Prefills the secondary username from the client certificate.

      If you have enabled multiple certificate authentication, you can select one of the following certificates:

      • First Certificate— Select this option to map the username from the machine certificate sent from the VPN client.

      • Second Certificate— Select this option to map the username from the user certificate sent from the client.

      • If you select Map specific field option, which includes the username from the client certificate. The Primary and Secondary fields display default values: CN (Common Name) and OU (Organisational Unit) respectively. If you select the Use entire DN (Distinguished Name) as username option, the system automatically retrieves the user identity.

        See Authentication Method descriptions for more information about primary and secondary field mapping.

      • Prefill username from certificate on user login window: Prefills the secondary username from the client certificate when the user connects via Secure Client.

        • Hide username in login window: The secondary username is pre-filled from the client certificate, but hidden to the user so that the user does not modify the pre-filled username.

    • Use secondary username for VPN session: The secondary username is used for reporting user activity during a VPN session.

Step 5

Select the following for Authorization:

  • Authorization Server—After authentication is complete, authorization controls the services and commands available to each authenticated user. Authorization works by assembling a set of attributes that describe what the user is authorized to perform, their actual capabilities, and restrictions. When you do not use authorization, authentication alone provides the same access to all authenticated users. Authorization requires authentication.

    To know more about how remote access VPN authorization works, see Understanding Policy Enforcement of Permissions and Attributes.

    When a RADIUS Server is configured for user authorization in the connection profile, the remote access VPN system administrator can configure multiple authorization attributes for users or user-groups. The authorization attributes that are configured on the RADIUS server can be specific for a user or a user-group. Once users are authenticated, these specific authorization attributes are pushed to the threat defense device.


    The AAA server attributes obtained from the authorization server override the attribute values that may have been previously configured on the group policy or the connection profile.

  • Check Allow connection only if user exists in authorization database if desired.

    When enabled, the system checks the username of the client must exist in the authorization database to allow a successful connection. If the username does not exist in the authorization database, then the connection is denied.

  • When you select a realm as the Authorization Server, you must configure an LDAP attribute map. You can choose a single server for authentication and authorization or a different servers. Click Configure LDAP Attribute Map to add LDAP attribute maps for authorization.


    Threat Defense does not support SAML Identity Provider as the Authorization server. If the Active Directory behind the SAML Identity Provider is reachable via management center and threat defense, you can configure authorization following these steps:

    For information about configuring LDAP attribute maps, see Configuring LDAP Attribute Mapping.

Step 6

Select the following for Accounting:

  • Accounting Server—Accounting is used to track the services that users are accessing and the amount of network resources they are consuming. When AAA accounting is activated, the network access server reports user activity to the RADIUS server. Accounting information includes when sessions start and stop, usernames, the number of bytes that pass through the device for each session, the services used, and the duration of each session. This data can then be analyzed for network management, client billing, or auditing. You can use accounting alone or together with authentication and authorization.

    Specify the RADIUS Server Group object that will be used to account for the remote access VPN session.

Step 7

Select the following Advanced Settings:

  • Strip Realm from username—Select to remove the realm from the username before passing the username on to the AAA server. For example, if you select this option and provide domain\username, the domain is stripped off from the username and sent to AAA server for authentication. By default this option is unchecked.

  • Strip Group from username—Select to remove the group name from the username before passing the username on to the AAA server. By default this option is unchecked.

    A realm is an administrative domain. Enabling these options allows the authentication to be based on the username alone. You can enable any combination of these options. However, you must select both check boxes if your server cannot parse delimiters.
  • Password Management—Enable managing the password for the remote access VPN users. Select to notify ahead of the password expiry or on the day the password expires.

Step 8

Click Save.