Get Required Information For Your Microsoft Azure AD Realm

This task explains how to get the information required to set up a Microsoft Azure AD realm in the Cisco Defense Orchestrator. You might have already obtained this information when you set up Microsoft Azure AD as discussed in Configure Microsoft Azure Active Directory.


Step 1

Log in to as a user with at least the Product Designer role.

Step 2

At the top of the page, click Microsoft Entra ID.

Step 3

In the left column, click App Registrations.

Step 4

If necessary, filter the list of displayed apps to show the one you want to use.

Step 5

Click the name of your app.

Get the client credentials from Azure AD's app registrations page

Step 6

Click Copy (copy icon) next to the following values on this page and paste those values to a text file.

  • Application (Client) ID

  • Directory (tenant) ID

Step 7

Click Client Credentials.

Step 8

Unless you already know the client secret value (as opposed to the client secret ID), you must create a new client secret as follows:

  1. Click New Client Secret.

  2. Enter the required information in the provided fields.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Click Copy (copy icon) next to Value as the following figure shows.

    Copy the client secret to the clipboard

Step 9

From, click Event Hubs > (name of an event hub).

Step 10

In the right pane, click Copy (copy icon) next to the value of Host name and paste the value to the clipboard. This is your event hub host name.

Copy the even hubs host name to the clipboard

Step 11

Write down or copy to a text file the name of the event hub (same as the Event Hubs Namespace at the top of the page).

Step 12

In the left pane, under Settings, click Shared access policies.

Step 13

Click the name of a policy.

Step 14

Click Copy (copy icon) next to Connection string-primary key.

Copy the event hugs connection string to the clipboard

Step 15

Click Overview > Entities > Event Hubs > (name of an event hub) > Entities > Consumer Groups.

Write down the following value or copy it to the clipboard. This is your consumer group name.

Copy the consumer groups name to the clipboard

Step 16

In the left pane, click Overview.

Step 17

Click Copy (copy icon) next to Namespace.

Copy the event hubs topic name to the clipboard

This is your event hubs topic name.