Manage Site-to-Site VPNs

The Site-to-Site VPN page provides a snapshot of site-to-site VPN tunnels. You can view the status of the tunnels and filter the tunnels based on the device, topology, or tunnel type. The page lists 20 topologies per page and you can navigate between pages to view more topology details. You can click individual VPN topologies to expand and view details of the endpoints.

Before you begin

For certificate authentication of your site-to-site VPNs, you must prepare the devices by allocating trustpoints as described in Certificates.


Select Devices > VPN > Site To Site to manage your threat defense site-to-site VPN configurations and deployments.

The page lists the site-to-site VPNs topologies and indicates the status of tunnels using color codes:

  • Active (Green)–There is an active IPsec Tunnel.

  • Unknown (Amber)–No tunnel establishment event has been received from the device yet.

  • Down (Red)–There are no active IPsec tunnels.

  • Deployment Pending–Topology has not been deployed on the device yet.

Choose from the following:

  • Refresh—View the updated status of the VPNs.

  • Add—Create new policy based or route-based Site to Site VPNs.

  • Edit—Modify the settings of an existing VPN topology.


    You cannot edit the topology type after you initially save it. To change the topology type, delete the topology and create a new one.

    Two users shouldn’t edit the same topology simultaneously; however, the web interface doesn’t prevent simultaneous editing.

  • Delete—To delete a VPN deployment, click Delete (delete icon).

  • Deploy—Choose Deploy > Deployment; see Deploy Configuration Changes.


    Some VPN settings are validated only during deployment. Be sure to verify that your deployment was successful.