Shut Down or Restart the Device

It's important that you shut down your system properly. Simply unplugging the power or pressing the power switch can cause serious file system damage. Remember that there are many processes running in the background all the time, and unplugging or shutting off the power does not allow the graceful shutdown of your firewall.

See the following task to shut down or restart your system properly.


After restarting your device, you may see an error that the management connection could not be reestablished. In some cases, the connection is attempted before the Management interface on the device is ready. The connection will be retried automatically and should come up within 15 minutes.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Device Management.

Step 2

Next to the device that you want to restart, click Edit (edit icon).

Step 3

Click Device.

Step 4

To restart the device:

  1. Click Restart Device (restart device icon).

  2. When prompted, confirm that you want to restart the device.

Step 5

To shut down the device:

  1. Click Shut Down Device (shut down device icon) in the System section.

  2. When prompted, confirm that you want to shut down the device.

  3. If you have a console connection to the firewall, monitor the system prompts as the firewall shuts down. You will see the following prompt:

    System is stopped.
    It is safe to power off now.
    Do you want to reboot instead? [y/N]

    If you do not have a console connection, wait approximately 3 minutes to ensure the system has shut down.

    For the ISA 3000, when shutdown is complete, the System LED will turn off. Wait at least 10 seconds before you remove the power.