Error: Failed to Claim

If you see an Error: Failed to Claim connectivity status or error message after attempting to onboard a device, the following might be the cause:

  • The Security Services Exchange platform may have temporary issues that result in no connectivity.

  • The CDO server may be down.

Follow the procedure below to resolve this issue:


Step 1

Log into CDO and navigate to the Inventory page. Locate the device that failed to register.

Step 2

Select the device so it is highlighted and Remove the device from your CDO tenant.

Step 3

Wait at least 10 minutes before attempting to onboard the device back to your CDO tenant. See Onboard a Device with Low-Touch Provisioning for more information.

What to do next

If you are still unable to claim the device, review the device's workflow to see is there is an error message. If there is,Export the Workflow and open a support case to further troubleshoot the issue.