Captured Files and File Storage

The file storage feature allows you to capture selected files detected in traffic, and automatically store a copy of the file temporarily to a device’s hard drive, or, if installed, to the malware storage pack.

After your device captures the files, you can:

  • Store captured files on the device’s hard drive for later analysis.

  • Download the stored file to a local computer for further manual analysis or archival purposes.

  • Manually submit eligible captured files for AMP cloud lookup or dynamic analysis.

Note that once a device stores a file, it will not re-capture it if the file is detected in the future and the device still has that file stored.


When a file is detected for the first time on your network, you can generate a file event that represents the file’s detection. However, if your file rule performs a malware cloud lookup, the system requires additional time to query the AMP cloud and return a disposition. Due to this delay, the system cannot store this file until the second time it is seen on your network, and the system can immediately determine the file’s disposition.

Whether the system captures or stores a file, you can:

  • Review information about the captured file from Analysis > Files > Captured Files, including whether the file was stored or submitted for dynamic analysis, file disposition, and threat score, allowing you to quickly review possible malware threats detected on your network.

  • View the file’s trajectory to determine how it traversed your network and which hosts have a copy.

  • Add the file to the clean list or custom detection list to always treat the file as if it had a clean or malware disposition on future detection.

You configure file rules in a file policy to capture and store files of a specific type, or with a particular file disposition, if available. After you associate the file policy with an access control policy and deploy it to your devices, matching files in traffic are captured and stored. You can also limit the minimum and maximum file sizes to store.

Stored files are not included in system backups.

You can view captured file information under Analysis > Files > Captured Files, and download a copy for offline analysis.