View Deployment Status

On the Deployment page, the Status column provides the deployment status for each device. If a deployment is in progress, then the live status of the deployment progress is displayed, else one of the following statuses is displayed:

  • Pending—Indicates that there are changes in the device that are to be deployed.

  • Warnings or errors—Indicates that the pre-deployment checks have identified warnings or errors for the deployment, and you have not proceeded with the deployment. You can continue with the deployment if there are any warnings, but not if there are any errors.


    The status column provides the warning or error status only for a single user session on the deployment page. If you navigate away from the page or refresh the page, the status changes to pending.

  • Failed—Indicates that the previous deployment attempt failed. Click on the status to view the details.

  • In queue—Indicates that deployment is initiated, and the system is yet to start the deployment process.

  • Completed—Indicates that deployment has completed successfully.