The SSL Preprocessor


This section applies to Snort 2 preprocessors. For information on Snort 3 inspectors, see

The SSL preprocessor allows you to configure SSL inspection, which can block encrypted traffic, decrypt it, or inspect the traffic with access control. Whether or not you configure SSL inspection, the SSL preprocessor also analyzes SSL handshake messages when detected in traffic and determines when a session becomes encrypted. Identifying encrypted traffic allows the system to stop intrusion and file inspection of encrypted payloads, which helps reduce false positives and improve performance.

The SSL preprocessor can also examine encrypted traffic to detect attempts to exploit the Heartbleed bug, and generate events when it detects such exploits.

You can suspend inspecting traffic for intrusions and malware once the session is encrypted. If you configure SSL inspection, the SSL preprocessor also identifies encrypted traffic you can block, decrypt, or inspect with access control.

Using the SSL preprocessor to decrypt encrypted traffic does not require a license. All other SSL preprocessor functionality, including halting inspection of encrypted payloads for malware and intrusions, and detecting Heartbleed bug exploits, requires a Protection license.