The SIP Preprocessor


This section applies to Snort 2 preprocessors. For information on Snort 3 inspectors, see

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) provides call setup, modification, and teardown of one or more sessions for one or more users of client applications such as Internet telephony, multimedia conferencing, instant messaging, online gaming, and file transfer. A method field in each SIP request identifies the purpose of the request, and a Request-URI specifies where to send the request. A status code in each SIP response indicates the outcome of the requested action.

After calls are set up using SIP, the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is responsible for subsequent audio and video communication; this part of the session is sometimes referred to as the call channel, the data channel, or the audio/video data channel. RTP uses the Session Description Protocol (SDP) within the SIP message body for data-channel parameter negotiation, session announcement, and session invitation.

The SIP preprocessor is responsible for:

  • decoding and analyzing SIP 2.0 traffic

  • extracting the SIP header and message body, including SDP data when present, and passing the extracted data to the rules engine for further inspection

  • generating events when the following conditions are detected and the corresponding preprocessor rules are enabled:

    • anomalies and known vulnerabilities in SIP packets

    • out-of-order and invalid call sequences

  • optionally, ignoring the call channel

The preprocessor identifies the RTP channel based on the port identified in the SDP message, which is embedded in the SIP message body, but the preprocessor does not provide RTP protocol inspection.

Note the following when using the SIP preprocessor:

  • UDP typically carries media sessions supported by SIP. UDP stream preprocessing provides SIP session tracking for the SIP preprocessor.

  • SIP rule keywords allow you to point to the SIP packet header or message body and to limit detection to packets for specific SIP methods or status codes.