Threat Defense Advanced Site-to-site VPN Tunnel Options

Navigation Path

Devices > Site To Site, then click + Site To Site VPN, or edit a listed VPN Topology. Click the Advanced tab, and select Tunnel in the navigation pane.

Tunnel Options

Only available for Hub and Spoke, and Full Mesh topologies. This section doesn’t appear for Point to Point configurations.

  • Enable Spoke to Spoke Connectivity through Hub—Disabled by default. Choosing this field enables the devices on each end of the spokes to extend their connection through the hub node to the other device.

NAT Settings

  • Keepalive Messages Traversal —Enabled by default. This parameter is a global setting that enables NAT-T for all endpoints within a topology. Check this check box to enable keepalive messages for NAT traversal. NAT traversal keepalive is used for the transmission of keepalive messages when there’s a device (middle device) located between a VPN-connected hub and spoke, and that device performs NAT on the IPsec flow.

    NAT traversal allows seamless communication between the peer threat defense devices when there are NAT devices between these devices. For hub and spoke topologies, this option is available only for the spoke.

    If you select this option, configure the Interval, in seconds, between the keepalive signals sent between the spoke and the middle device to indicate that the session is active. The value can be from 5 to 3600 seconds. The default is 20 seconds. You can disable this feature for an endpoint in a topology when you add it using the VPN wizard (Enable NAT Traversal check box in the Add Endpoint dialog box).

Access Control for VPN Traffic

Bypass Access Control policy for decrypted traffic (sysopt permit-vpn)—By default, the threat defense applies access control policy inspection on the decrypted traffic. Enable this option to bypass the ACL inspection. The threat defense still applies the VPN Filter ACL and authorization ACL downloaded from the AAA server to the VPN traffic.

Enable or disable the option for all your VPN connections. If you disable this option, ensure that the traffic is allowed by the access control policy or prefilter policy.

For route-based VPNs, sysopt permit-vpn does not work. You must always create access control rules to allow route-based VPN traffic.

Certificate Map Settings

  • Use the certificate map configured in the Endpoints to determine the tunnel—If this option is enabled (checked), the tunnel is determined by matching the contents of the received certificate to the certificate map objects configured in the endpoint nodes.

  • Use the certificate OU field to determine the tunnel—Indicates that if a node isn’t determined based on the configured mapping (the above option) if selected, then use the value of the organizational unit (OU) in the subject distinguished name (DN) of the received certificate to determine the tunnel.

  • Use the IKE identity to determine the tunnel—Indicates that if a node isn’t determined based on a rule matching or taken from the OU (the above options) if selected, then the certificate-based IKE sessions are mapped to a tunnel based on the content of the phase1 IKE ID.

  • Use the peer IP address to determine the tunnel—Indicates that if a tunnel isn’t determined based on a rule matching or taken from the OU or IKE ID methods (the above options) if selected, then use the established peer IP address.