Guidelines for Threat Defense Virtual Clustering

High Availability

High Availability is not supported with clustering.


The cluster control link is only supported using IPv4.

Additional Guidelines

  • When significant topology changes occur (such as adding or removing an EtherChannel interface, enabling or disabling an interface on the Threat Defense or the switch, adding an additional switch to form a VSS or vPC) you should disable the health check feature and also disable interface monitoring for the disabled interfaces. When the topology change is complete, and the configuration change is synced to all units, you can re-enable the interface health check feature.

  • When adding a node to an existing cluster, or when reloading a node, there will be a temporary, limited packet/connection drop; this is expected behavior. In some cases, the dropped packets can hang your connection; for example, dropping a FIN/ACK packet for an FTP connection will make the FTP client hang. In this case, you need to reestablish the FTP connection.

  • Do not power off a node without first disabling clustering on the node.

  • For decrypted TLS/SSL connections, the decryption states are not synchronized, and if the connection owner fails, then decrypted connections will be reset. New connections will need to be established to a new node. Connections that are not decrypted (they match a do-not-decrypt rule) are not affected and are replicated correctly.

  • Dynamic scaling is not supported.

  • If you are using Secure Firewall versions 7.2 or 7.3, Stateful Target Failover is not supported when you deploy the cluster on AWS.

  • Perform a global deployment after the completion of each maintenance window.

  • Ensure that you do not remove more than one device at a time from the auto scale group (AWS) / instance group (GCP) / scale set (Azure). We also recommend that you run the cluster disable command on the device before removing the device from the auto scale group (AWS) / instance group (GCP) / scale set (Azure).

  • If you want to disable data nodes and the control node in a cluster, we recommend that you disable the data nodes before disabling the control node. If a control node is disabled while there are other data nodes in the cluster, one of the data nodes has to be promoted to be the control node. Note that the role change could disturb the cluster.

  • In the customized day 0 configuration scripts given in this guide, you can change the IP addresses as per your requirement, provide custom interface names, and change the sequence of the CCL-Link interface.

  • If you experience CCL instability issues, such as intermittent ping failures, after deploying a Threat Defense Virtual cluster on a cloud platform, we recommend that you address the reasons that are causing CCL instability. Also, you can increase the hold time as a temporary workaround to mitigate CCL instability issues to a certain extent. For more information on how to change the hold time, see Edit Cluster Health Monitor Settings.

  • When you are configuring your security firewall rule or security group for the Management Center virtual, you must include both Private and Public IP addresses of the Threat Defense Virtual in the Source IP address range. Also, ensure to specify the Private and Public IP addresses of the Management Center Virtual in the security firewall rule or security group of the Threat Defense Virtual. This is important to ensure proper registration of nodes during clustering deployment.

Defaults for Clustering

  • The cLACP system ID is auto-generated, and the system priority is 1 by default.

  • The cluster health check feature is enabled by default with the holdtime of 3 seconds. Interface health monitoring is enabled on all interfaces by default.

  • The cluster auto-rejoin feature for a failed cluster control link is unlimited attempts every 5 minutes.

  • The cluster auto-rejoin feature for a failed data interface is 3 attempts every 5 minutes, with the increasing interval set to 2.

  • Connection replication delay of 5 seconds is enabled by default for HTTP traffic.