History for Threat Defense Virtual Clustering in the Public Cloud


Minimum Management Center

Minimum Threat Defense


Cluster control link ping tool.



You can check to make sure all the cluster nodes can reach each other over the cluster control link by performing a ping. One major cause for the failure of a node to join the cluster is an incorrect cluster control link configuration; for example, the cluster control link MTU may be set higher than the connecting switch MTUs.

New/modified screens: Devices > Device Management > More (more icon) > Cluster Live Status

Troubleshooting file generation and download available from Device and Cluster pages.



You can generate and download troubleshooting files for each device on the Device page and also for all cluster nodes on the Cluster page. For a cluster, you can download all files as a single compressed file. You can also include cluster logs for the cluster for cluster nodes. You can alternatively trigger file generation from the Devices > Device Management > More (more icon) > Troubleshoot Files menu.

New/modified screens:

  • Devices > Device Management > Device > General

  • Devices > Device Management > Cluster > General

View CLI output for a device or device cluster.



You can view a set of pre-defined CLI outputs that can help you troubleshoot the device or cluster. You can also enter any show command and see the output.

New/modified screens: Devices > Device Management > Cluster > General

Cluster health monitor settings



You can now edit cluster health monitor settings.

New/Modified screens: Devices > Device Management > Cluster > Cluster Health Monitor Settings


If you previously configured these settings using FlexConfig, be sure to remove the FlexConfig configuration before you deploy. Otherwise the FlexConfig configuration will overwrite the management center configuration.

Cluster health monitor dashboard



You can now view cluster health on the cluster health monitor dashboard.

New/Modified screens: System (system gear icon) > Health > Monitor

Clustering for the threat defense virtual in Azure



You can now configure clustering for up to 16 nodes the threat defense virtual in Azure for the Azure Gateway Load Balancer or for external load balancers.

New/modified screens:

  • Devices > Device Management > Add Cluster

  • Devices > Device Management > More menu

  • Devices > Device Management > Cluster

Supported platforms: Threat Defense Virtual in Azure

Clustering for the Threat Defense Virtual in the Public Cloud (Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform)



The threat defense virtual supports Individual interface clustering for up to 16 nodes in the public cloud (AWS and GCP).

New/Modified screens:

  • Devices > Device Management > Add Device

  • Devices > Device Management > More menu

  • Devices > Device Management > Cluster

Supported platforms: Threat Defense Virtual in AWS and GCP