Add an Anti-Malware Endpoint Attribute to a DAP


Step 1

Edit a DAP record and select Endpoint Criteria > Anti-Malware.

Step 2

Select the Match Criteria All or Any.

Step 3

Click Add to add anti-malware attributes.

Step 4

Click Installed to indicate whether the selected endpoint attribute and its accompanying qualifiers are installed or not installed.

Step 5

Choose Enabled or Disabled to activate or deactivate real-time malware scanning.

Step 6

Select the name of the anti-malware Vendor from the list.

Step 7

Select the anti-malware Product Description.

Step 8

Choose the Version of the anti-malware product.

Step 9

Specify the number of days since the Last Update.

You can indicate that an anti-malware update must occur in less than (<) or more than (>) the number of days you specify.

Step 10

Click Save.