Adding an Access Control Rule Category

You can divide an access control policy's Mandatory and Default rule sections into custom categories. After you create a category, you cannot move it, although you can delete it, rename it, and move rules into, out of, within, and around it. The system assigns rule numbers across sections and categories.


Step 1

In the access control policy editor, click Add Category.


If your policy already contains rules, you can click a blank area in the row for an existing rule to set the position of the new category before you add it. You can also right-click an existing rule and select Insert new category.

Step 2

Enter a Name.

Step 3

From the Insert drop-down list, choose where you want to add the category:

  • To insert a category below all existing categories in a section, choose into Mandatory or into Default.

  • To insert a category above an existing category, choose above category, then choose a category.

  • To insert a category above or below an access control rule, choose above rule or below rule, then enter an existing rule number.

Step 4

Click Apply.

Step 5

Click Save to save the policy.