Positioning an Access Control Rule

You can move an existing rule within an access control policy, or insert new rules in a desired location. When you add or move a rule to a category, the system places it last in the category.

Before you begin

Review rule order guidelines in Best Practices for Access Control Rules.


Step 1

Do one of the following:

  • New rule—Insert a new rule by hovering over the line between the existing rules, and clicking Add Rule. The location is selected in the Insert box in the Add Rule dialog box; you can select a different rule to adjust the location. You can also select Add Rule Above or Add Rule Below from the right-click menu.

  • Existing rules when viewing the rule table—Click and drag the rule to the new poisition.

  • Existing rules when viewing the rule table—Right-click a single rule and select Reposition Rule. To move multiple rules as a group, select their checkboxes, then select Reposition Rules from the Select Bulk Action menu.

  • Existing rule when editing the rule—Click the Reposition Rule icon next to the rule name.

Step 2

Choose where you want to move or insert the rule:

  • Choose into Mandatory or into Default.
  • Choose a into Category, then choose the category.
  • Choose above rule or below rule, then select the rule.

Step 3

Click Move or Confirm, and save the rule if you are editing it.

Step 4

Click Save to save the policy.

What to do next

  • Deploy configuration changes.