Configure PIM Neighbor Filters

You can define the routers that can become PIM neighbors. By filtering the routers that can become PIM neighbors, you can do the following:

  • Prevent unauthorized routers from becoming PIM neighbors.

  • Prevent attached stub routers from participating in PIM.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Device Management, and edit the threat defense device.

Step 2

Choose Routing > Multicast Routing > PIM.

Step 3

On Neighbor Filter, click Add or Edit.

Use the Add PIM Neighbor Filter dialog box to add new PIM neighbor filters to the interface. Use the Edit PIM Neighbor Filter dialog box to change existing parameters.

Step 4

Configure the following options:

  • From the Interface drop-down list, choose the interface to which you want to add a PIM neighbor filter.

  • Standard Access List— From the Standard Access List drop-down list, choose a standard ACL or click Add (add icon) to create a new standard ACL. See Configure Standard ACL Objects for the procedure.


    Choosing Allow on the Add Standard Access List Entry dialog box lets the multicast group advertisements pass through the interface. Choosing Block prevents the specified multicast group advertisements from passing through the interface. When a multicast boundary is configured on an interface, all multicast traffic is prevented from passing through the interface unless permitted with a neighbor filter entry.

Step 5

Click OK to save the PIM neighbor filter configuration.