Configure PIM Route Trees

By default, PIM leaf routers join the shortest-path tree immediately after the first packet arrives from a new source. This method reduces delay, but requires more memory than the shared tree. You can configure whether or not the threat defense device should join the shortest-path tree or use the shared tree, either for all multicast groups or only for specific multicast addresses.

The shortest-path tree is used for any group that is not specified in the Multicast Groups table. The Multicast Groups table displays the multicast groups to use with the shared tree. The table entries are processed from the top down. You can create an entry that includes a range of multicast groups, but excludes specific groups within that range by placing deny rules for the specific groups at the top of the table and the permit rule for the range of multicast groups below the deny statements.


This behavior is known as Shortest Path Switchover (SPT). We recommend that you always use the Shared Tree option.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Device Management, and edit the threat defense device.

Step 2

Choose Routing > Multicast Routing > PIM.

Step 3

On Route Tree, select the path for the route tree:

  • Click Shortest Path to use the shortest-path tree for all multicast groups.

  • Click Shared Tree to use the shared tree for all multicast groups.

  • Click Shared tree for below mentioned group to designate the groups specified in the Multicast Groups table, and then from the Standard Access List drop-down list, select a standard ACL or click Add (add icon) to create a new standard ACL. See Configure Standard ACL Objects for the procedure.

Step 4

Click OK to save the route tree configuration.