Requiring an Access Control Policy in a Domain

You can require that every device in a domain use the same base access control policy or one of its descendant policies. This procedure is relevant in a multi-domain deployment only.


Step 1

In the access control policy editor, click the Targeted: x devices link.

Step 2

Click Required on Domains.

Step 3

Build your domain list:

  • Add — Select the domains where you want to enforce the current access control policy, then click Add or drag and drop into the list of selected domains.
  • Delete — Click Delete (delete icon) next to a leaf domain, or right-click an ancestor domain and choose Delete Selected.
  • Search — Type a search string in the search field. Click Clear (clear icon) to clear the search.

Step 4

Click OK to save the domain enforcement settings.

Step 5

Click Save to save the access control policy.

What to do next

  • Deploy configuration changes.