Register the Management Center with the Smart Software Manager

Register the management center with the Smart Software Manager.

Before you begin

  • Make sure your Smart Licensing account contains the available licenses you need.

    When you bought your device from Cisco or a reseller, your licenses should have been linked to your Smart Account. However, if you need to add licenses yourself, see Cisco Commerce Workspace. For license PIDs, see License PIDs.

  • Ensure that the management center can reach the Smart Software Manager at

  • Make sure you configure NTP. During registration, a key exchange occurs between the Smart Agent and the Smart Software Manager, so time must be in sync for proper registration.

    For the Firepower 4100/9300, you must configure NTP on the chassis using the same NTP server for the chassis as for the management center.

  • If your organization has multiple management centers, make sure each management center has a unique name that clearly identifies and distinguishes it from other management centers that may be registered to the same virtual account. This name is critical for managing your Smart License entitlements and ambiguous names will lead to problems later.


Step 1

In the Smart Software Manager, request and copy a registration token for the virtual account to which you want to add this device.

  1. Click Inventory.

  2. On the General tab, click New Token.

  3. On the Create Registration Token dialog box enter the following settings, and then click Create Token:

    • Description

    • Expire After—Cisco recommends 30 days.

    • Max. Number of Uses

    • Allow export-controlled functionality on the products registered with this token—Enables the export-compliance flag if you are in a country that allows for strong encryption. You must select this option now if you plan to use this functionality. If you enable this functionality later, you will need to re-register your device with a new product key and reload the device. If you do not see this option, your account does not support export-controlled functionality.

    The token is added to your inventory.

  4. Click the arrow icon to the right of the token to open the Token dialog box so you can copy the token ID to your clipboard. Keep this token ready for later in the procedure when you need to register the threat defense.

    View Token
    Copy Token

Step 2

In the management center, choose System (system gear icon) > Licenses > Smart Licenses.

Step 3

Click Register.

Step 4

Paste the token you generated from Smart Software Manager into the Product Instance Registration Token field.

Make sure there are no empty spaces or blank lines at the beginning or end of the text.

Step 5

If the management center instance is already registered with Smart Licensing, you can check the Override Existing Registered Management Center Instance check box to override the existing registered management center instance in Smart Licensing.

Step 6

Click Apply Changes.

What to do next

  • Add a Device to the management center; see .