Monitoring Smart Licenses

To view the license status for the management center and its managed devices, use the Smart Licenses page.

For each type of license in your deployment, the page lists the total number of licenses consumed, whether the license is in compliance or out of compliance, the device type, and the domain and group where the device is deployed. You can also view the management center's Smart License Status. Container instances on the same security module/engine only consume one license per security module/engine. Therefore, even though the management center lists each container instance separately under each license type, the number of licenses consumed for feature license types will only be one.

Other than the Smart Licenses page, there are a few other ways you can view licenses:

  • The Product Licensing dashboard widget provides an at-a-glance overview of your licenses.

  • The Device Management page (Devices > Device Management) lists the licenses applied to each of your managed devices.

  • The Smart License Monitor health module communicates license status when used in a health policy.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Licenses > Smart Licenses.

Step 2

In the Smart Licenses table, click the arrow at the left side of each License Type folder to expand that folder.

Step 3

In each folder, verify that each device has a green circle with a Check Mark (check mark icon) in the License Status column.

If all devices show a green circle with a Check Mark (check mark icon), your devices are properly licensed and ready to use.

If you see any License Status other than a green circle with a Check Mark (check mark icon), hover over the status icon to view the message.

What to do next

  • If you had any devices that did not have a green circle with a Check Mark (check mark icon), you may need to purchase more licenses.