CDO Command Line Interface for ASA

For all the tasks in this procedure, you will be working on the CDO's command line interface for ASA. To open the command line interface page:


Step 1

From the navigation bar, click Inventory.

Step 2

Click the Devices tab.

Step 3

Click the appropriate device type tab and select the ASA for which you want to enable logging.

Step 4

In the Device Actions pane on the right, click >_ Command Line Interface.

Step 5

Click the Command Line Interface tab. You are now ready to enter the commands described below at the prompt.

After entering every command, you will click Send. Because CDO's CLI Interface is a direct connection to the ASA, the command is written to the device's running configuration immediately. For changes to be written to the ASA's startup configuration, you need to issue the write memory command in addition.