User Notification Preferences

Notifications are generated by CDO whenever a device associated with your tenant experiences a specific event, such as whenever a device associated with your tenant experiences a specific action, a device certificate is expiring or has expired, or a background log search starts, finishes or fails. The following notifications are enabled by default and displayed for every user that is affiliated with the tenant regardless of the user role. You can modify your personal notification preference to only show alerts you are interested in. Note that these preference are yours only and do not affect other users associated with the tenant.


Changes made to the notifications listed below are automatically updated in real time and do not require deployment.

View your personal preferences in the Username ID > Preferences > Notification Preferences page. Your Username ID is always located in the upper right corner of CDO across all pages. From this page you can configure the following "Notify Me in CDO When" alerts.

Send Alerts for Device Workflows

  • Deployments - This action does not include integration instances for SSH or IOS devices.

  • Backups - This action is only applicable for FDM-managed devices.

  • Upgrades - This action is only applicable for ASA and FDM-managed devices.

  • Migrate threat defense to cloud - This action is applicable when changing the threat defense

    device manager from Management Center to CDO.

Send Alerts for Device Events

  • Went offline - This action applies to all devices associated with your tenant.

  • Back online - This action applies to all the devices associated with your tenant.

  • Conflict detected - This action applies to all the devices associated with your tenant.

  • HA state changed - This action indicates the device within an HA or failover pair, the current state, and the state it changed from. This action applies to all HA and failover configurations associated with your tenant.

  • Site-to-Site session disconnected - This action applies to all site-to-site VPN configurations configured in your tenant.

Send Alerts for Background Log Search

  • Search started - Receive a notification when a search starts. This applies to both immediate and scheduled searches.

  • Search completed - Receive a notification when a search ends. This applies to both immediate and scheduled searches.

  • Search failed - Receive a notification when a search fails. This applies to both immediate and scheduled searches. Check the parameters or the query and try again.

Opt Out of Notification Preferences

By default, all events are enabled and generate notifications. To opt out of notifications generated by the events mentioned above, you must manually uncheck the notification types. Note that you must click Save to confirm any changes.

Email Alerts

Enable the Email Alerts toggle to receive any of the alerts mentioned above. Check which alerts you would like to receive by email and click the Save button. By default, the Use CDO notification settings above is checked. This means that you will receive email alerts on all of the same notifications and events as you have checked in the "Send Alerts When..." sections mentioned on this page.

If you only want some of the events or alerts mentioned above forwarded to your email, uncheck the Use CDO notification settings above". This action generates an additional location to modify and personalize the available alerts. This may help reduce redundancy.