View CDO Notifications

Click the notifications icon to view the most recent alerts that have occurred or affected the devices you have onboarded to your tenant. The selections that you make in the Notification Settings page impact the types of notifications displayed in CDO. Continue reading for more information.

This drop-down page is grouped into three tabs: Overview, All, and Dismissed.

Overview Tab

The Overview tab displays a combination of the most recent high-prioroty alerts and events that you are subscribed to. High prioroty events are the following:

  • Deployment Failed

  • Backup Failed

  • Upgrade Failed

  • Migrate FTD to cdFMC Failed

  • Device went offline

  • Device HA state changed

  • Device certificates expiring

You can configure which alerts you want to receive by clicking the Notification Settings in the Notifications window or by selecting UserID > User Preferences page. The User ID button in the upper right corner of the dashboard.

All Tab

The All tab displays all notifications regardless of their prioroty ranking, including email subscription notifications and all of the items listed as high priority.

Dismissed Tab

The Dismissed tab displays notifications you have dismissed. You can dsimiss individual notifications by clicking the "x" of the notification.

Opting to Dismiss notifications from the drop-down menu dismisses notifications from both the "Overview" and "All" tabs. They will remain in the Dismiss tab for 30 days, after which they will be removed from CDO.

Search Notifications

When viewing the notifications drop-down window, for any of the tabs mentioned above, you can use the search bar at the top of the drop-down to query for key words or alerts.