Tenant Notification Settings

Notifications are generated by CDO whenever a device associated with your tenant experiences a specific action, a device certificate is expiring or has expired, or a background log search starts, finishes or fails. While these notifications are applied to all the devices associated with your tenant, not all device types support all of the available options. For example, background log search is only applicable for tenants who signed up for event logging.

From the navigation bar to the left, click Settings > Notification Settings.


You must have an Super Admin user role to change these settings. See User Roles for more information.

Email Subscribers

Add or modify the emails that receive alerts from your CDO tenant. See Enable Email Subscribers for more information.

Service Integrations

Enable Incoming Webhooks on your messaging app and receive CDO notifications directly to your app dashboard. See Enable Service Inegrations for CDO Notifications for more information.