Periodic Communication with the Smart Software Manager

In order to maintain your product license entitlement, your product must communicate periodically with the Smart Software Manager.

You use a Product Instance Registration Token to register the management center with the Smart Software Manager. The Smart Software Manager issues an ID certificate for communication between the management center and the Smart Software Manager. This certificate is valid for one year, although it will be renewed every six months. If an ID certificate expires (after a year with no communication), the management center may be removed from your account.

The management center communicates with the Smart Software Manager on a periodic basis. If you make changes in the Smart Software Manager, you can refresh the authorization on the management center so the changes immediately take effect. You also can wait for the management center to communicate as scheduled.

Your management center must either have direct internet access to the Smart Software Manager. In non-airgapped deployments, normal license communication occurs every 30 days, but with the grace period, your management center will operate for up to 90 days without contacting the Smart Software Manager. Ensure that the management center contacts the Smart Software Manager before 90 days have passed, or else the management center will revert to an unregistered state.