SIP Preprocessor Options

For the following options, you can specify a positive value from 1 to 65535 bytes, or 0 to disable event generation for the option regardless of whether the associated rule is enabled.

  • Maximum Request URI Length

  • Maximum Call ID Length

  • Maximum Request Name Length

  • Maximum From Length

  • Maximum To Length

  • Maximum Via Length

  • Maximum Contact Length

  • Maximum Content Length

If no preprocessor rule is mentioned in the following descriptions, the option is not associated with a preprocessor rule.


Specifies the ports to inspect for SIP traffic. You can specify an integer from 0 to 65535. Separate multiple port numbers with commas.

Methods to Check

Specifies SIP methods to detect. You can specify any of the following currently defined SIP methods:

	ack, benotify, bye, cancel, do, info, invite, join, message,
	notify, options, prack, publish, quath, refer, register,
	service, sprack, subscribe, unsubscribe, update

Methods are case-insensitive. The method name can include alphabetic characters, numbers, and the underscore character. No other special characters are permitted. Separate multiple methods with commas.

Because new SIP methods might be defined in the future, your configuration can include an alphabetic string that is not currently defined. The system supports up to 32 methods, including the 21 currently defined methods and an additional 11 methods. The system ignores any undefined methods that you might configure.

Note that, in addition to any methods you specify for this option, the 32 total methods includes methods specified using the sip_method keyword in intrusion rules.

Maximum Dialogs within a Session

Specifies the maximum number of dialogs allowed within a stream session. If more dialogs than this number are created, the oldest dialogs are dropped until the number of dialogs does not exceed the maximum number specified. You can specify an integer from 1 to 4194303.

You can enable rule 140:27 to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets for this option. See Setting Intrusion Rule States.

Maximum Request URI Length

Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the Request-URI header field. A Longer URI generates an event and, in an inline deployment, drops offending packets when rule 140:3 is enabled. The request URI field indicates the destination path or page for the request.

Maximum Call ID Length

Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the request or response Call-ID header field. A longer Call-ID generates an event and, in an inline deployment, drops offending packets when rule 140:5 is enabled. The Call-ID field uniquely identifies the SIP session in requests and responses.

Maximum Request Name Length

Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the request name, which is the name of the method specified in the CSeq transaction identifier. A longer request name generates an event and, in an inline deployment, drops offending packets when rule 140:7 is enabled.

Maximum From Length

Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the request or response From header field. A longer From generates an event and, in an inline deployment, drops offending packets when rule 140:9 is enabled. The From field identifies the message initiator.

Maximum To Length

Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the request or response To header field. A longer To generates an event and, in an inline deployment, drops offending packets when rule 140:11 is enabled. The To field identifies the message recipient.

Maximum Via Length

Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the request or response Via header field. A longer Via generates an event and, in an inline deployment, drops offending packets when rule 140:13 is enabled. The Via field provides the path followed by the request and, in a response, receipt information.

Maximum Contact Length

Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the request or response Contact header field. A longer Contactgenerates an event and, in an inline deployment, drops offending packets when rule 140:15 is enabled. The Contact field provides a URI that specifies the location to contact with subsequent messages.

Maximum Content Length

Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the content of the request or response message body. Longer content generates an event and, in an inline deployment, drops offending packets when rule 140:16 is enabled.

Ignore Audio/Video Data Channel

Enables and disables inspection of data channel traffic. Note that the preprocessor continues inspection of other non-data-channel SIP traffic when you enable this option.