Prerequisites for Migration
You must register the source and the target devices to the management center.
Your Smart Licensing account​ must have the license entitlements for the target device.
We recommend that the target device is a freshly registered device without any configurations.
Source and target devices must be in the same:
Firewall mode: Routed or Transparent
Compliance mode
The target device must not be:
In a multi-instance mode
Part of a cluster
The user must have modify permissions on the device.
The configurations on the source device must be valid and have no errors.
The source device can have pending deployments. However, deployment, import, or export tasks must not run on either of the devices during the migration.
If the source device is part of an HA pair, the target device need not be part of an HA pair and vice versa. The migration does not form or break the HA pair.