Configure Syslog

You can enable syslogs from the chassis. These syslogs come from the chassis' FXOS operating system.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Platform Settings and create or edit the chassis policy.

Step 2

Choose Syslog.

Step 3

Click the Local Destinations tab, and complete the following fields.

Syslog Local Destinations
Syslog Local Destinations
Name Description

Console Section

Admin State field

Whether the chassis displays syslog messages on the console.

Check the Enable check box if you want to have syslog messages displayed on the console as well as added to the log. If the Enable check box is unchecked, syslog messages are added to the log but are not displayed on the console.

Level field

If you checked the Enable check box for Console - Admin State, select the lowest message level that you want displayed on the console. The chassis displays that level and above on the console. This can be one of the following:

  • Emergencies

  • Alerts

  • Critical

Monitor Section

Admin State field

Whether the chassis displays syslog messages on the monitor.

Check the Enable check box if you want to have syslog messages displayed on the monitor as well as added to the log. If the Enable check box is unchecked, syslog messages are added to the log but are not displayed on the monitor.

Level drop-down list

If you checked the Enable check box for Monitor - Admin State, select the lowest message level that you want displayed on the monitor. The system displays that level and above on the monitor. This can be one of the following:

  • Emergencies

  • Alerts

  • Critical

  • Errors

  • Warnings

  • Notifications

  • Information

  • Debugging

Step 4

On the Remote Destinations tab, complete the following fields for up to three external logs that can store messages generated by the chassis:

Syslog Remote Destinations
Syslog Remote Destinations

By sending syslog messages to a remote destination, you can archive messages according to the available disk space on the external syslog server, and manipulate logging data after it is saved. For example, you could specify actions to be executed when certain types of syslog messages are logged, extract data from the log and save the records to another file for reporting, or track statistics using a site-specific script.

Name Description

Admin State field

Check the Enable check box if you want to have syslog messages stored in a remote log file.

Level drop-down list

Select the lowest message level that you want the system to store. The system stores that level and above in the remote file. This can be one of the following:

  • Emergencies

  • Alerts

  • Critical

  • Errors

  • Warnings

  • Notifications

  • Information

  • Debugging

Hostname/IP Address field

The hostname or IP address on which the remote log file resides.


You must configure a DNS server if you use a hostname rather than an IP address.

Facility drop-down list

Choose a system log facility for syslog servers to use as a basis to file messages. This can be one of the following:

  • Local0

  • Local1

  • Local2

  • Local3

  • Local4

  • Local5

  • Local6

  • Local7

Step 5

Click the Local Sources tab, and complete the following fields.

Syslog Local Sources
Syslog Local Sources
Name Description

Faults > Enable Admin State

Enable system fault logging.

Audits > Enable Admin State

Enable audit logging.

Events > Enable Admin State

Enable system event logging.

Step 6

Click Save to save all policy changes.