Copy a Configuration to Another Device

When a new device is deployed in the network you can easily copy configurations and policies from a pre-configured device, instead of manually reconfiguring the new device.

Before you begin

Confirm that:

  • The source and destination threat defense devices are the same model and are running the same version of the software.

  • The source is either a standalone Secure Firewall Threat Defense device or a Secure Firewall Threat Defense high availability pair.

  • The destination device is a standalone threat defense device.

  • The source and destination threat defense devices have the same number of physical interfaces.

  • The source and destination threat defense devices are in the same firewall mode - routed or transparent.

  • The source and destination threat defense devices are in the same security certifications compliance mode.

  • The source and destination threat defense devices are in the same domain.

  • Configuration deployment is not in progress on either the source or the destination threat defense devices.


Step 1

Choose Devices > Device Management.

Step 2

Next to the device you want to modify, click Edit (edit icon).

Step 3

Click Device.

Step 4

In the General section, do one of the following:

  • Click Get Device Configuration (get device configuration icon) to copy device configuration from another device to the new device. On the Get Device Configuration page, select the source device in the Select Device drop-down list.
  • Click Push Device Configuration (push device configuration icon) to copy device configuration from the current device to the new device. On the Push Device Configuration page, select the destination to which configuration is to be copied in the Target Device drop-down list.

Step 5

(Optional) Check Include shared policies configuration check box to copy policies.

Shared policies like AC policy, NAT, Platform Settings and FlexConfig policies can be shared across multiple devices.

Step 6

Click OK.

You can monitor the status of the copy device configuration task on Tasks in the Message Center.

When the copy device configuration task is initiated, it erases the configuration on the target device and copies the configuration of the source device to the destination device.
When you have completed the copy device configuration task, you cannot revert the target device to its original configuration.