Create the Day0 Configuration With a Customized Configuration for GCP

You can enter the entire cluster bootstrap configuration using commands.

    "AdminPassword": "password",
    "Hostname": "hostname",
    "FirewallMode": "Routed",
    "ManageLocally": "No",
    "run_config": [comma_separated_threat_defense_configuration]

The following example creates a configuration with Management, Inside, and Outside interfaces, and a VXLAN interface for the cluster control link. Note the values in bold that need to be unique per node.

	"AdminPassword": "W1nch3sterBr0s",
	"Hostname": "ftdv1",
	"FirewallMode": "Routed",
	"ManageLocally": "No",
	"run_config": [
		"cluster interface-mode individual force",
		"interface Management0/0",
		"nameif management",
		"ip address dhcp",
		"interface GigabitEthernet0/0",
		"no shutdown",
		"nameif outside",
		"ip address dhcp",
		"interface GigabitEthernet0/1",
		"no shutdown",
		"nameif inside",
		"ip address dhcp",
		"interface GigabitEthernet0/2",
		"nve-only cluster",
		"nameif ccl_link",
		"ip address dhcp",
		"no shutdown",
		"interface vni1",
		"description Clustering Interface",
		"segment-id 1",
		"vtep-nve 1",
		"object network ccl#link",
		"object-group network cluster#group",
		"network-object object ccl#link",
		"nve 1",
		"encapsulation vxlan",
		"source-interface ccl_link",
		"peer-group cluster#group",
		"cluster group ftdv-cluster",
		"local-unit 1",
		"cluster-interface vni1 ip",
		"priority 1",
		"mtu outside 1400",
		"mtu inside 1400"

For the cluster control link network object, specify only as many addresses as you need (up to 16). A larger range can affect performance.