Configure the Captive Portal Part 4: Create a User Access Control Rule

This part of the procedure discusses how to add an access control rule that enables users in a realm to authenticate using captive portal.

Before you begin

For an overview of the entire captive portal configuration, see How to Configure the Captive Portal for User Control.


Step 1

In the rule editor, click Add Rule.

Step 2

Enter a Name for the rule.

Step 3

Choose Allow from the Action list.

Step 4

Click Users.

Step 5

In the Available Realms list, click the realms to allow.

Step 6

If no realms display, click Refresh (refresh icon).

Step 7

In the Available Users list, choose the users to add to the rule and click Add to Rule.

Step 8

(Optional.) Add conditions to the access control policy as discussed in Identity Rule Conditions.

Step 9

Click Add.

Step 10

On the access control rule page, click Save.

Step 11

In the policy editor, set the rule position. Click and drag or use the right-click menu to cut and paste. Rules are numbered starting at 1. The system matches traffic to rules in top-down order by ascending rule number. The first rule that traffic matches is the rule that handles that traffic. Proper rule order reduces the resources required to process network traffic and prevents rule preemption.

What to do next

Captive Portal Example: Create a Decryption Policy with an Outbound Rule