Configure Interfaces

This section describes how to configure interfaces to be Individual interfaces compatible with clustering. Individual interfaces are normal routed interfaces, each with their own IP address taken from a pool of IP addresses. The Main cluster IP address is a fixed address for the cluster that always belongs to the current control node. All data interfaces must be Individual interfaces.


You cannot use subinterfaces.


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management > Address Pools to add an IPv4 and/or IPv6 address pool. See Address Pools.

Include at least as many addresses as there are units in the cluster. The Virtual IP address is not a part of this pool, but needs to be on the same network. You cannot determine the exact Local address assigned to each unit in advance.

Step 2

Choose Devices > Device Management, and click Edit (edit icon) next to the cluster.

Step 3

Click Interfaces, and then click Edit (edit icon) for a data interface.

Step 4

On the IPv4, enter the IP Address and mask. This IP address is a fixed address for the cluster, and always belongs to the current control unit.

Step 5

From the IPv4 Address Pool drop-down list, choose the address pool you created.


If you want to manually assign a MAC address to this interface, you need to create a mac-address pool using FlexConfig.

Step 6

On IPv6 > Basic, from the IPv6 Address Pool drop-down list, choose the address pool you created.

Step 7

Configure other interface settings as normal.

Step 8

Click Save.

You can now go to Deploy > Deployment and deploy the policy to assigned devices. The changes are not active until you deploy them.