
Use FlexConfig policy objects in FlexConfig policies to provide customized configuration of features on threat defense devices that you cannot otherwise configure using Secure Firewall Management Center. For more information on FlexConfig policies, see FlexConfig Policy Overview.

You can configure the following types of objects for FlexConfig.

Text Objects

Text objects define free-form text strings that you use as variables in a FlexConfig object. These objects can have single values or be a list of multiple values.

There are several predefined text objects that are used in the predefined FlexConfig objects. If you use the associated FlexConfig object, you simply need to edit the contents of the text object to customize how the FlexConfig object configures a given device. When editing a predefined object, it is in general a better option to create device overrides for each device you are configuring, rather than directly change the default values of these objects. This helps avoid unintended consequences if another user wants to use the same FlexConfig object for a different set of devices.

For information on configuring text objects, see Configure FlexConfig Text Objects.

FlexConfig Objects

FlexConfig Objects include device configuration commands, variables, and scripting language instructions. During configuration deployment, these instructions are processed to create a sequence of configuration commands with customized parameters to configure specific features on the target devices.

These instructions are either configured before (prepended) the system configures features defined in regular management center policies and settings, or after (appended). Any FlexConfig that depends on Secure Firewall Management Center-configured objects (for example, a network object) must be appended to the configuration deployment, or the needed objects would not be configured before the FlexConfig needed to refer to the objects.

For more information on configuring FlexConfig objects, see Configure FlexConfig Objects.