Managing Variable Sets

To use variable sets, you must have the IPS license (for threat defense devices) or the Protection license (all other device types).


Step 1

Choose Objects > Object Management.

Step 2

Choose Variable Set from the list of object types.

Step 3

Manage your variable sets:

  • Add — If you want to add a custom variable set, click Add Variable Set; see Creating Variable Sets.
  • Delete — If you want to delete a custom variable set, click Delete (delete icon) next to the variable set, then click Yes. You cannot delete the default variable set or variable sets belonging to ancestor domains.

    Variables created in a variable set you delete are not deleted or otherwise affected in other sets.

  • Edit — If you want to edit a variable set, click Edit (edit icon) next to the variable set you want to modify; see Editing Objects.
  • Filter — If you want to filter variable sets by name, begin entering a name; as you type, the page refreshes to display matching names. If you want to clear name filtering, click Clear (clear icon) in the filter field.
  • Manage Variables — To manage the variables included in variable sets, see Managing Variables.