Approving or Rejecting a Ticket

When a user submits a ticket, it must be approved for the changes made within the ticket to become active and available for deployment.

Whether you can approve your own tickets, or there is a separate approver, depends on your workplace policies and how user roles are assigned, not on the management software.

The Details view includes a summary of how many approvers are required for the ticket, and who has approved the ticket.

If the changes are inadequate or undesirable, you can reject the ticket. Rejected tickets go back to the submitter, who can then make additional changes and resubmit the ticket, or simply discard the ticket and the configuration changes it contains.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow, or click the Ticket (Ticket icon) shortcut menu.

Step 2

On the Review tab, click Preview (preview icon) for the ticket and evaluate the proposed changes.

You can also click Validate (Validate ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Validate to check for errors.

Step 3

After completing your evaluation, do one of the following:

  • To approve the ticket, click Approve (Approve ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Approve.

  • To disapprove the ticket, click Reject (Reject ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Reject.

Step 4

Optionally, enter a comment for your action.

Step 5

Click Approve or Reject, as appropriate.