Creating Change Management Tickets

When using the Change Management workflow, you must do all configuration changes within the context of an open ticket. If you do not already have a ticket, you must create a new one.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow, or click the Ticket (Ticket icon) shortcut menu.

Step 2

Click Add Ticket.

Step 3

Configure the ticket options:

  • Name—The name of the ticket. The name can include letters, numbers, spaces, and the following special characters: #-_!

  • Description—An optional description of what you intend to configure using this ticket. For example, if you have a case number related to what you intend to fix using this ticket, that would be useful information in a description.

  • Number of Approvers—How many administrators must approve the change for the ticket to be approved and deployable. You can specify 1-5.

  • Assign to—Select the user who will own the ticket and be responsible for implementing the changes. Choose self to assign it to yourself.

Step 4

Click one of the following: .

  • Create—The ticket is added to the list of tickets, but it is not opened. You need to open it before you can work within the context of the ticket.

  • Create and Open—The ticket is added to the list of tickets and also opened.