Configure BGP Aggregate Address Settings

BGP neighbors store and exchange routing information and the amount of routing information increases as more BGP speakers are configured. Route aggregation is the process of combining the attributes of several different routes so that only a single route is advertised. Aggregate prefixes use the classless interdomain routing (CIDR) principle to combine contiguous networks into one classless set of IP addresses that can be summarized in routing tables. As a result fewer routes need to be advertised. Use the Add/Edit Aggregate Address dialog box to define the aggregation of specific routes into one route.


Step 1

When editing the threat defense device, click Routing.

Step 2

(For a virtual-router-aware device) From the virtual routers drop-down, choose the virtual router for which you are configuring BGP.

Step 3

Choose BGP > IPv4 or IPv6.

Step 4

Click Add Aggregate Address.

Step 5

Enter a value for the aggregate timer (in seconds) in the Aggregate Timer field. Valid values are 0 or any value between 6 and 60. The default value is 30.

Step 6

Click (add icon)Add and update the Add Aggregate Address dialog box:

  1. Network — Enter an IPv4 address or select the desired network/hosts objects.

  2. Attribute Map — (Optional) Enter or select the route map used to set the attribute of the aggregate route.

  3. Advertise Map — (Optional) Enter or select the route map used to select the routes to create AS_SET origin communities.

  4. Suppress Map — (Optional) Enter or select the route map used to select the routes to be suppressed.

  5. Generate AS set path Information — (Optional) Check the check box to enable generation of autonomous system set path information.

  6. Filter all routes from updates — (Optional) Check the check box to filter all more-specific routes from updates.

  7. Click OK.

What to do next